Thursday, July 29, 2010

Removal of Tonsilloliths in 6 Easy Steps

Here are 6 easy steps to remove tonsilloliths:

1. Gargle with mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide: often times using mouthwash helps loosen tonsil stones enough to get rid of them.

2. Brushing your teeth with baking soda: this method is rarely discussed but I have seen it to be very effective as well. In fact the baking soda will often remove a stone before the person even realizes that it is present. This is very good especially when the stones are very small and haven't gotten to the point where they are big enough that they can be felt in the throat.

3. Use Q-tips or fingers: the use of a finger or Q-tip can be effective but many times people have a difficult time because of their gag reflex thus making it uncomfortable.

4. Pressing a finger or cotton swab against the bottom of the tonsil: This technique requires applying pressure by pressing up on the tonsil. The pressure often makes the stone come off but this can be uncomfortable due to the gag reflex.

5. Flexing of the throat: flexing the throat also adds pressure to the stone and helps in loosening them.

6. Using your tongue to loosen them: this is a good method to use if you have flexible tongue and helps if you have a problem with gagging. Once the stone loosens it is easy to spit out. However, this method can be much slower as tonsil stones tend to stick very well to the tonsil and back of the throat. This method is more effective if combined with Step 1 or Step 2 described above.

How Do You Remove A Tonsil Stone?

Tonsilliliths are very likely caused by a combination of factors. Dead white blood cells, overactive salivary glands, oral bacteria, mucous secretions, including post nasal drip and residue from food can combine to create the white balls referred to as tonsil stones. The environment in the back of the throat, and more specifically behind and between the tonsils is perfect for tonsilliliths to grow.

Tonsilliliths are usually very small in size, about a couple millimeters in width, and are rarely big. However, once they come out the smell is quite unpleasant and disgusting. If you've had them for a while or just started with this problem don't be alarmed, this is not a symptom of a dangerous condition. Although it is not a cause for alarm it is definitely a nuisance.

So now let's look at what you can do to remove a tonsil stone, especially if it is hard to reach or is stuck in your throat.

The first thing you want to do is gargle with mouthwash or with hydrogen peroxide. A second method to use is brushing your teeth with baking soda. Both of these methods will often times loosen them and they may even just come out of your throat thereby having to do more.

The next options you have to remove a tonsil stone is the following:

· Using Q-Tips or fingers to dislodge them: use either one to scrape or scoop off the tonsillilith but this may be a bit uncomfortable if you gag
· Another technique is by pressing a finger or cotton swab against the bottom of the tonsil and pushing upward. The pressure acts to squeeze out the stone. Again the gag reflex may be uncomfortable
· Using your tongue to loosen them and dislodging them: if you have a strong and flexible tongue this works well and avoids the gag problem
· Flexing your throat: by flexing your throat this adds pressure and can cause the tonsillilith to come out

One thing to add is I wouldn't recommend using a sharp object such as a toothpick or pin as this may cause a cut or scratch which could lead to infection.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Herbal Treatment for Tonsil Stones

There are different approaches to tonsil stone or tonsillolith treatment. One approach involves herbal treatment. In Chinese medicine tonsil stones are believed to be a result of a combination of toxins and poor quality digestion. The solution recommended by Chinese medicine involves lowering or completely avoiding foods that increase acidity and toxins in the body like white flour products, red meats and fatty foods like dairy products, butter, fried foods and white sugar. It is also recommended that a person ingest foods rich in antioxidants like blueberries, pomegranate, carrots, cabbage, raspberries and turnips. Another solution for detoxifying the body and for relieving infections of the tonsils and tonsilloliths is by drinking ginger and carrot juice.

One of the prominent theories in Western medicine regarding tonsilloliths involves the presence of excess mucus or nasal drip collecting in the back of the throat. Such herbs meant to clear off mucus like ban xia, chen pi and bai fu zi are good alternatives from an herbal perspective.

Monday, July 19, 2010

6 Easy Steps to Remove Tonsil Stones

Here are 6 easy steps to remove tonsil stones:

1. Gargle with mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide: often times using mouthwash helps loosen tonsil stones enough to get rid of them.

2. Brushing your teeth with baking soda: this method is rarely discussed but I have seen it to be very effective as well. In fact the baking soda will often remove a tonsil stone before the person even realizes that it is present. This is very good especially when the stones are very small and haven’t gotten to the point where they are big enough that they can be felt in the throat.

3. Use Q-tips or fingers: the use of a finger or Q-tip can be effective but many times people have a difficult time because of their gag reflex thus making it uncomfortable.

4. Pressing a finger or cotton swab against the bottom of the tonsil: This technique requires applying pressure by pressing up on the tonsil. The pressure often makes the tonsil stone come off but this can be uncomfortable due to the gag reflex.

5. Flexing of the throat: flexing the throat also adds pressure to the tonsil stone

6. Using your tongue to loosen them: this is a good method to use if you have flexible tongue and helps if you have a problem with gagging. Once the tonsil stone loosens it is easy to spit out. However, this method can be much slower as tonsil stones tend to stick very well to the tonsil and back of the throat. This method is more effective if combined with Step 1 or Step 2 described above.

As you can see these methods are easy to do and although they are temporary solutions they can be help with those annoying tonsil stones. Tonsil stones tend to be a recurring problem but are quite manageable if you apply the methods described above.

For a permanent solution feel free to go to

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Home Remedies to Eliminate Tonsil Stones

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Tonsil stone sufferers often wonder if there are home remedies to eliminate tonsil stones and the good news is there are. As you know by now tonsil stones or tonsilloliths appear in the back of the throat and are white or yellowish in appearance.

The presence of tonsil stones very often cause bad breath and leave a sour or bitter taste when they become dislodged from the back of the throat. Tonsilloliths vary in size and although they are usually very small the smell is always uncomfortable. The good news is they are not dangerous and do not pose a hazard to your health.

Let's look at different home remedies to eliminate tonsil stones:

· Using q-tips or fingers to dislodge them: although this is not a long term solution it can be somewhat effective when dealing with tonsilloliths that are visible or close to coming off.
· Using your tongue to loosen them and dislodging them: once again this is a short-term solution and can be very tiring. The advantage with this method is an absence of gagging.
· Flexing your throat: by flexing your throat and adding pressure often times the tonsillolith will become dislodged.
· Hydration: drinking plenty of water throughout the day is a very effective method in keeping tonsilloliths from returning. Carbonated drinks, such seltzer, tonic water or club soda, is also helpful.
· Gargling with mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide: this is a very effective method for dislodging them
· Brush teeth with baking soda: This is one method I have found to be very effective in dislodging tonsillolith and keeping them from coming back for quite some time.

In rare instances is surgery necessary but usually the methods listed above are very effective. Because surgery carries the risk of infection and other complications this should be used as last resort. In rare instances do doctors recommend an invasive procedure.

As you can see there are a variety of home remedies to eliminate tonsil stones Simply try the method that works best for you and remember to always be consistent in applying these methods and use good oral hygiene including brushing and flossing. Check with your doctor or dentist if you are not sure whether you have this condition.

If you are interested in further solutions on this topic feel free to visit

Monday, July 12, 2010

Causes of Tonsil Stones

Most people who suffer of tonsil stones wonder, “What are the causes of tonsil stones?” There are various theories as to what are the causes of tonsil stones. The important thing to remember is that they are treatable.
First let’s look at some of the possible causes of tonsil stones.
Tonsil stones are believed to be a result of a combination of:

· Dead white blood cells
· Oral bacteria
· Overactive salivary glands
· Mucus secretions
· Residual of enzyme action on retained food
· Smoking without a filter
· Allergy/intolerance to dairy products

Tonsil stones form when trapped debris of dead cells and mucus combines and hardens, or calcifies. This tends to occur most often in people who suffer from chronic inflammation in their tonsils or repeated bouts of tonsillitis.

Tonsil stones hide in the back of the throat and tend to grow behind or in between the tonsils, thus giving them its name. Not surprisingly people who don’t have tonsils don’t have this problem.

Tonsil stones are not dangerous and are simply a nuisance as they very often cause bad breath. If you suffer of tonsil stones remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It is common for both children and adults to have tonsil stones and tonsil stones can vary in size but tend to be small but are rarely big.

There is nothing to fear and simply look at some of the ways that are perhaps triggering your bout with tonsil stones from the causes given above. So now you know the causes of tonsil stones.

If you are interested in further solutions on this topic feel free to visit

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

No More Tonsil Stones

No more tonsil stones in your life!
For more information go to: